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  • Northgrove
    Mar 26, 11:16 AM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    Releases? There's just been one release since Leopard. :p

    heat rash baby pictures. Genius Baby: Full House!: Down with Heat Rash
  • Genius Baby: Full House!: Down with Heat Rash

  • cloudnine
    Jul 14, 04:08 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Unless the Xeon is that expensive (which I can't see how it would be), I don't see that as anything except creating some seperation between the configurations.

    I agree... my buddy got a macbook pro and it came standard with 512mb of ram. For the first 3 or 4 days, he thought he purchased a defective notebook, it ran so badly. Opening MS Office applications literally took minutes, and that was with nothing else open. He took it back into the Apple store and the rep told him that his problem was his ram, so he purchased another 1gb (1.5gb total), and now it runs perfectly. You'd think that with all of these intel machines being released and a huge selection of software not being Universal yet, that 1 gig of ram would be standard...

    kinda a$$h0lish if you ask me. :mad:

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  • cramps, this new heat rash

  • Mr_Ed
    Jul 20, 08:39 AM
    I wonder what they're going to call them, Quad sounds cool but "Octa or Octo" just sounds a bit silly.


    The Mactopus??

    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

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  • ergle2
    Sep 20, 06:44 PM
    I should have been more thorough in my previous reply. What I really like about these frequent updates are the following:

    1. The motherboard has socketed processors (except for the laptops).

    Yeah, an upgradable processor socket is a wonderful thing :)
    It's a shame the laptops are soldered, but it makes sense given the design...

    2. Even though Intel is updating processors every 6 months or so, the motherboard and chipset seem to support the next processor version.

    Yonah can be replaced with Merom.
    Woodcrest can be replaced with Clovertown.

    Your computer does not become obsolete in 6 months. Instead, it gains new life if you decide that you need the new processor.

    Every 12 to 18 months or so a new chipset may become necessary. Only then does your computer lose the upgrade potential. If you buy Merom, you may not be able to upgrade to the next processor. Likewise if you buy Clovertown. New chipsets will be required beyond Merom and Clovertown.

    In any event, this is based on trailing history of just 1 year. Future events may unfold differently.

    Yeah -- tho' some of this might not please some due to philosophy.

    Bear in mind part of the Mac philosophy from the start was "no user servicable parts inside" -- think of it as the computing equivalent of a toaster, in a sense. Jobs and Raskin were both proponents of that concept, and it lives in in some of the userbase.

    I suspect that part of the userbase would prefer being able to sell an old system and buy a new one.

    Now, that's not my worldview, but it's definitely out there.

    Going back, often newer processors are release, at least initially, in multiple forms of package. Take the Pentium-4, which appeared for some versions as both a S478 and S775 (I think? or was there one inbetween?) chip. So even when there's a new chipset, it's not always required, it'll just give you some whizz-band new features.

    With Merom, you're likely right, since that's part of the mobile line, and Intel sells the mobile line by platform (well, you can get it OEM too, but it's a lot cheaper if you just buy the platform).

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  • Insect Bite Rashes Babies

  • hulugu
    Mar 23, 12:19 AM
    Although I backed the implementation of a no-fly zone a few weeks ago, I wouldn't describe my position as one of wholehearted support. More a queasy half-hearted recognition that something had to be done and that all alternatives lead to rabbit holes of some degree or another. When all is said and done, my usual fallback position is an intense weariness at the evil that men do.

    For the record, I actually supported (if silence is considered consent) both Gulf wars at the start; I believed in the fictional WMD, I believed it when Colin Powell held his little vial up at the UN... but I, like many was tied down with work and other concerns and was only paying cursory attention to the news at the time. Like Obama, I also initially supported the war in Afghanistan, or at least the idea of it, initiated by a Republican president, but since then it seems to have become a fiasco of Catch-22 proportions.

    Slowly discovering the real agenda and true ineptness of the Bush administration was a pivotal point in my reawakening political understanding of US current affairs after reading Hunter Thompson for so many years. Disgusted and appalled at the casual way in which we all were lied to, I'm quite happy to hold my hands up and say 'I was wrong'.

    Thing is about Obama, I never had any starry-eyed notion about him being a peace-maker. He's an American president, the incentives are cemented into the role as one of using power and protecting wealth. Not that many conservatives were paying attention at the time, but he stood up in front of the Nobel academy when accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and laid out a justification for war.

    Since the second Gulf War, the entire circus has been one of my occasional interests, because I've never seen a political process elsewhere riddled with so many bald-faced liars, grotesque characters and half-baked casual hate speech. What power or the sniff of it does to people, twisting them out of shape, is infinitely more interesting and has more impact on us than any other endeavour, except for possibly the parallel development of technology.

    I used you as an example more out of rhetoric than anything else. However, I think your essay is spot on.

    I didn't believe the Bush administration's call for war in Iraq because I was reading Hans Blix's reports and I was suspicious of the whole endeavor: the Bushies struck me as a group wholly unprepared for the difficulty of governing a foreign country after a military invasion. I did hope, like Tom Friedman, that an Iraq without Saddam might be a powerful symbol in the Middle East, but I was deeply concerned about the war.

    Reading Anthony Shadid's reporting on Iraq told me that the situation was, days in, already spinning out of control. Once it became apparent that looters were able to steal artifacts from the museums, office chairs pilled with computers from the bureaus and weapons from Iraq's hundreds of ammunition dumps I knew we were in trouble.

    Libya is more like Bosnia than Iraq. A moment of force has the potential to change the scope of the conflict, hopefully for the positive, in a way that a full-blown invasion would merely complicate. That's the central part that fivepoint, who is merely interested in making another partisan screed, is ignoring.

    We have complicated thoughts about the use of force in the world, which leads us to appear hypocritical when all things are made to appear equal to make straw.

    George W. Bush is responsible for another calamity: me posting in PRSI, one of my many occasional weaknesses.

    Me too. I wandered in here by accident as a new member and haven't left.

    heat rash baby pictures. Heat Rash on a Baby Shoulder
  • Heat Rash on a Baby Shoulder

  • Whyren
    Nov 28, 07:06 PM
    Sounds like trying to get royalties off of blank CDs by selling "Music CD-Rs" at a higher cost.

    Apple could just let them distribute Universal-branded "Music-Ready" iPods that are set at $50 more than any standard iPod. See how well that'll go for 'em.

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  • JM-Prod
    Apr 10, 09:44 AM
    It needs to come with a 27 inch multi-touch surface to use as the primary work surface, with my current 27 inch monitor as the head-up dual-monitor (input-output-view).

    This is long overdue. If apple won't make it, AVID should. ASAP! :)

    And for all us professionals, price is not an issue. We want it to be expensive, and so nice that people will rent out facilities.

    Bring it on Apple!

    This would be the perfect gifts for the pro-world, after helping you back from bankruptcy, remember dear Apple?

    Jon M.

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  • DesmoPilot
    Aug 9, 09:00 PM
    i have never heard of SimBin, but looking at the website, it doesn't look bad. do any of their games work in Mac OS X?

    Nope, just Windows unfortunately.

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  • Dog+heat+rash+pictures

  • videomaven
    Apr 6, 06:08 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    There are many ways of delivering content other than BluRay. But if one insists, there is a rudimentary BluRay output currently in FCP. Or burn with Toast. Or author in anything from Adobe Encore to high-end PC-based BluRay authoring systems.

    While I accept that you are not acting the troll, you do need to learn a bit more about the video/film world.

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  • heat rash remedies

  • Daremo
    Apr 19, 01:28 PM
    The sales numbers are impressive, but not surprising.

    heat rash baby pictures. Prickly Heat Rash
  • Prickly Heat Rash

  • iMikeT
    Aug 5, 07:36 PM
    I can't wait!

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  • dehydratation and heat rashes

  • mrkramer
    Nov 28, 08:02 PM
    I agree with the people here who have said that if this happens they would pirate all of the Music that they wanted from universal. If this happens and I buy a new iPod after that I will just go and pirate the Music that I want since the record labels have already been paid.

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  • Great for babies nappy rash.

  • Bosunsfate
    Aug 5, 04:39 PM
    The final intel replacements for the power mac line are a certanity, but likely not really a big deal, regardless of the horsepower they may have. Though I'm sure Jobs will make much fanfare of the "having finished the Intel transistion." And he should. One year is trully a thing to be proud of.

    That said, the show is going to be about Leopord. All day and night. In pretty much every release of OSX there has been something totally new. The question I still have is what's new.

    Nothing in this rumor roundup is really new, sans windows virtualization.

    -Finder Improvements*needed, but window dressing, not "new"
    -iChat improvements*byproduct, not a headline

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  • heat exhaustion for rash

  • Kevin Monahan
    Apr 6, 02:20 PM
    Unless you have an extreme PC...Adobe makes no sense (unless you are using the Quadro nVidia cards in a Mac Pro). Sure, the Merc engine increases performance for a few transitions and filters....but rendering is still necessary in MOST cases!

    Premiere Pro makes sense in a lot of cases for Mac users. It makes the most sense for After Effects artists, like yourself, as you can dynamic link directly to After Effects from the Premiere Pro timeline. As you pointed out, Macs work great with Premiere Pro and the NVIDIA Quadro 4000 card. More and more cards are being supported as time moves forward. Want a certain card to add Mercury Playback engine hardware acceleration? Make a request here:

    Not sure what you mean by "unless you have an extreme PC, Adobe makes no sense?" Yes, you need more RAM and a decent NVIDIA card to make Premiere Pro really fly on a PC-it's a 64 bit application-but even modest PCs do just fine with Premiere Pro. If Apple puts out a 64 bit application, you can bet that you should be looking at upgrading your Mac with a lot more RAM, more cores on the GPU, etc., as well. Need more info on tuning your system with Premiere Pro? Watch this:

    You wrote that rendering is still necessary in most cases. Really? What kind of system are you on? I've never had to render, even on my '09 MacBook Pro with no NVIDIA card and the Mercury Playback Engine in software mode.

    You say that CUDA accelerates only a "few" video filters and transitions? There are a lot more than that! Upgrade to Premiere Pro 5.0.3 and you'll see the following GPU accelerated effects:

    - Alpha Adjust
    - Basic 3D
    - Black & White
    - Brightness & Contrast
    - Color Balance (RGB)
    - Color Pass
    - Color Replace
    - Crop
    - Drop Shadow
    - Extract
    - Fast Color Corrector
    - Feather Edges
    - Gamma Correction
    - Garbage Matte (4, 8, 16)
    - Gaussian Blur
    - Horizontal Flip
    - Levels
    - Luma Corrector
    - Luma Curve
    - Noise
    - Proc Amp
    - RGB Curves
    - RGB Color Corrector
    - Sharpen
    - Three-way Color Corrector
    - Timecode
    - Tint
    - Track Matte
    - Ultra Keyer
    - Video Limiter
    - Vertical Flip

    heat rash baby pictures. he had a wee heat rash
  • he had a wee heat rash

  • monster620ie
    Aug 19, 02:33 AM
    I'm sure it will be a free download update not more money. But I'm not surprised. That's why I'm waiting until December 10 to mail in my Crossgrade form and DVD. I wanted to get all the updates until the offer expires December 20 on the install DVDs I get with my Crossgrade. Thanks for pointing out that detail. :)

    Darn it ... I just received my crossgrade upgrade yesterday eventhough I only own powerbook and am waiting for merom based laptop. While on the topic of fcp, can I install on my powerbook for now and in install on later on my future intel-laptop? (reading the legal eula it seems install is only allowed for one laptop and desktop... I guess I will have to uninstall first on powerbook .....) I am just not sure if apple will block my serial number or something ...

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  • on about heat rashes on

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 08:51 PM
    Nice to meet you Jersey.

    Are the gift cards good indefinitely?

    ok definitely not going to radio shack... they changed the time from 7AM to 1PM and are now giving out pins which will put your name on a list and they will call you as they are received to the store.... definitely not guaranteed!
    wrong, read my posts from today.

    Radio Shack employees are clueless and have very little information about the Iphone 4 preorder. It looks like they are only taking names and they'll call you when they get them, whenever that is.
    wrong, read my posts from today.

    heat rash baby pictures. Heat rash?
  • Heat rash?

  • Thataboy
    Aug 6, 12:15 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0



    I am going to channel a drag queen right now.


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  • agentmouthwash
    Nov 28, 08:17 PM
    If this happens, I will proudly use Bit Torrent and pirate all Universal music that I want. Right now I use itunes because the price scheme is perfect. Universal is making a big mistake.

    heat rash baby pictures. Summer itch cause : HEAT RASH
  • Summer itch cause : HEAT RASH

  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 19, 11:06 PM
    Racing games have come a long long way. Based on original racing sims, watching the shock absorbers flex is wonderful. You can feel the bumps. :)

    I laugh at both dirt games because of this. The suspension is TOTALLY wrong on the buggies, and just odd on so many more in the game as to how it works. Its like the developers don't know how a double unequal length a-arm works....

    For example when one damages a wheel and it rotates as if it is bent, or the hub is bent. The upper a-arm slides in and out lol.
    Or in one of the NFS games when one steers max left or right, the inside wheel will stop and the outside will keep on going for a few degrees, and its not the ackerman mind you.

    I don't mind the models being the same in GT5 from GT4, as long as online is as good or better than Forza 2. Forza 3 online was a much unneeded step backwards.

    Apr 27, 11:19 AM
    News on

    77 Million Accounts Stolen From Playstation Network.

    Earth will not stop turning, but I think this is just slightly, slightly worse than a file that shows where you haven't exactly been at some point in the past if someone steals your iPhone.

    See title of the thread: "Apple addresses controversy". There is and there never was a problem, but the idiocracy forced Apple to act to end the controversy. Right now, who do you think should worry more, iPhone owners or PS3 owners?

    Both are issues. Both are being addressed. Why must someone (you) throw one company under the bus in favor of supporting another. Both had/have issues and both are responding.

    Apr 6, 01:25 PM
    Score, iPad2=1, Xoom=0.

    but really, if we adjust for # of sales the score is more like:

    ipad2=20, Xoom=1

    Apr 27, 09:14 AM
    I know of no cell tower or wifi device that works up to 100 miles away.

    No-one has said this. Apple said the database contains the location of cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots around your current location.

    A bit of research reveals that iOS not only downloads location data for the cell tower or Wi-Fi hotspot nearest you, but also for hundreds of others in the area around you. This is so that when you move location it doesn't have to re-query Apple's location database over the internet. This is what the cache is for - to enable the device to look up locations stored locally instead of having to waste battery and talk to Apple again over the internet. In addition it enables Wi-Fi only devices to still be able to locate themselves even when they have no internet connection.

    Apr 27, 08:54 AM
    And what if I want to keep things how they are right now. If Apple says that they will reduce the size of the database stored in your phone, it also means that iPhone will communicate with Apple's servers more often (instead of finding reference in it's own database it will ask Apple's servers for it). That will cause more data traffic, slower location services and faster battery discharge.

    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.


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