
will smith house

will smith house. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • jvmxtra
    Apr 6, 01:13 PM
    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    Once you have it, you don't want it without.

    ps:I type fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    sent from swipe keyboard :D

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 19, 02:19 AM
    What is wrong with you people? Meroms in other brands of laptops haven't, or are only *just* starting to ship, and you people wail that Apple is doomed, when in the worst case scenario, they'll be a few days behind Dell. If they don't ship by next month, then sure, complain, but really, most of those who moan that Apple is "OMG SO OUTDATED MEROM MBPS SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED 2 MONTHS AGO!!!" are out of touch with reality.

    Except that:

    (1) Meroms in other brands of laptops have been shipping for nearly 3 weeks. A quick Google shows that some people have been receiving them on their doorstep by the first day of September.
    (2) Those of us that buy Macbook Pros are throwing down $2500+ for top-of-the-line laptops. Sub-$1000 laptops have had a better processor than Apple's flagship laptops for nearly a month now. If you can still defend Apple after this, do a reality check on the fanboyism.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 02:59 PM
    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong? They absolutely lied, and they got stuff wrong. I believe there was malevolent intent, and to the extent that can't be proven, there was clear reckless disregard for the truth.

    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations? There are many in the mainstream media and many on the left who are saying today that there are problems. Asking why we didn't go into other African countries, criticizing the coalition and the idea that this is "minimal" US involvement. I'm not claiming the left is perfect, but rather pointing out that your claim (re: hipocricy from 'the left in media') is far too broad and ignores the realities of the media coverage and congressional responses.

    But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. I've been in these forums for a long time, and I can tell you that while some denial occurs, liberals are far more likely to be critical of the politicians they support than conservatives are.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • evilgEEk
    Aug 11, 06:08 PM
    You might want to read some reviews on the Chocolate before buying it. I've seen a handful of reviews that were less than favorable.

    A good resource is They usually have a decent amount of user reviews upon which you can base your purchasing decisions.
    A good friend of mine just bought one and it definitely seems to be the best phone Verizon is currently offering. I also want a slider, I'm tired of flip phones, although if the iPhone was a flip I'm sure I could handle a flip phone for a few more years. ;)

    Verizon's phone selection is just horrible, but that's not enough for me to change services. Especially since I've personally never had a single problem with Verizon coverage or customer service, they've always been great.

    I think I'm going to hold off for a month or so, just because I don't have the cash to get a Chocolate and then an iPhone. And if an iPhone is released, I'll obviously have to get one. ;)

    EDIT: Thanks for the link though, I'll definitely check it out. :)

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 06:01 AM
    OK, that's wierd. Who would get angry about having research into what the public wants done for them???

    No wonder Nintendo sucks so much.

    BTW, Congrats on ur 500 Posts!

    I've never heard of Nintendo getting "pissed off" with the public for suggesting ideas, etc. Hell, the people who did the Afterburner mod for the original Gameboy Advance probably helped to convince Nintendo of the right way to do a backlight eventually (in the GBA SP). And the constant calls for Nintendo to add wireless capabilities did lead to built-in wifi on the Nintendo DS and the Wii.

    What makes you say Nintendo sucks so much?

    As far as "legalities" go, usually corporations do have to generally not take unsolicited ideas, commercials, marketing materials, etc. developed by the public. The reason for this is that they want to avoid being sued later on if they do something similar. I don't know how much that would apply to something like product design, etc. but it all sort of falls into the same general category. But the more obvious examples would be things where, for example, someone designs a new computer and sends it to Apple; Apple eventually releases something quite similar to it, and the person who sent in the design tries to sue them for taking their idea and not paying anything for it.

    Not to say that would ever really hold up anyway, but it's why most corporations do generally have that policy of not officially accepting anything unsolicited from outside the company.


    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • blubyu
    Apr 11, 11:46 AM

    With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

    iPhone 1 - 2G
    iPhone 2 - adds 3G
    iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

    Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

    iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

    People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.

    Thanks for this. I haven't had a good laugh on here for awhile now.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • madmax_2069
    Dec 12, 04:57 PM
    It's not a bad game but it could have been a lot better

    Yeah for the amount of developing time and the money that went into GT5 yes it could have been way better then how it turned out. many things can be fixed with patches, but it should not have needed to on release. i can see a few bugs and such but not like when it first came out.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • Jopling
    Jul 20, 12:51 PM
    New Apple Mac Pro Dual Quad

    Dual Intel Xeon 8400 Quardro processors at 3.4Ghz (2 x 4 core)
    2Gb Buffered DDR2 RAM
    750 Gb Sata2 Hard drive
    Blue Ray Super drive 2x
    Regular DVD rom in second bay
    ATI X1900 video card 512mb PCI express x16


    If that came out in August I'd wet my pants. It's exactly what I want. I need to get a promachine before I move in August.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • 0815
    Apr 6, 02:34 PM
    This can't be right. MR posters have assured me that the Xoom is better than the iPad. I mean, if you can't trust MR posters, whom can you trust?


    As someone who likes his Apple products, part of me laughs seeing numbers like this for the Xoom, but the other part thinks the same thing you post above--that Apple needs to have a successful competitor in the space to keep Apple's progress from stagnating. More competition will make them take bigger steps more quickly.

    As long as SJ has some say he (and Apple) will follow his vision, not the competition (and this is a good thing) - the competition will follow Apple [Remember how Android Phone Prototypes looked like before the iPhone was out - just a copy of BlackBerry phones]

    That's a common misreading of what Jobs said.

    iOS was developed for the phone first, although its idea of using a touch UI was not.

    As Jobs explained, there was a simple UI demo done on a touch device originally designed to be a keyboard input prototype. That demo gave him the idea to go all touch on the iPhone. That's what he meant by "the tablet came first".

    Since we know that during summer/fall the first iPhone UI concepts were done using iPods with wheels, his touch "eureka" moment probably came in late with the UI demo almost certainly done under OSX.

    According to all known histories, the actual creation of iOS didn't begin until 2006. Prior to that, some at Apple were still proposing using Linux for the phone OS.

    Maybe it should be put in these words: iOS was designed for the iPhone with a tablet in mind ....

    I didn't know the "proposing Linux" part, very interesting - do you have any links on this so that I can read up on it?

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Scott90
    Apr 7, 10:51 PM
    For everybody wondering why they would do it like this:

    Corporate looks at whether or not daily sales goals are made. An iPad is a guarantee sale, so if they have five available, and already made today's goal, they want to keep it until the next day, because that's a guaranteed $2500 (at least!) they'll make. For Best Buy as a company it doesn't matter and it's probably not beneficial, but it makes a store manager look good if he can say he made the sales goal every day since the launch of the iPad 2.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • cozmot
    Mar 26, 09:20 AM
    Wait until the first revision comes up! as always, the desperates install the new OS that come full of bugs and then complains starts "I lost all my data".

    Just my 2cents.

    Not to mention that this sort of upgrades just make you buying a new machine to run the system as it should.

    Words of wisdom. Until Lion has been used widely, I'll sit it out for the first or second update.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_12%
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    Aug 18, 04:40 AM
    My goal is to buy a Quad G5 before the end of the year. I already have what is arguably the fastest 68k Mac (look at screen name for a clue) so I would like to also own the fastest PowerPC Mac Apple sold too.

    Yes, I love my Quad G5 -- ROCK Solid. I agree with you.

    And my MAC PRO 3.0 is on the way. But this Quad G5, still a great box -- highly recommend.


    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • 4God
    Jul 14, 11:30 PM
    School House Rock - "Oh, I'm just a bill, a lonely old bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill" (

    That's old school. Even I remember that one.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • MrCrowbar
    Aug 26, 05:51 PM
    Well, I have some problems with my MacBook (LCD backlighting flickers horribly sometimes and from time to time the power goes off without reason, even 1 second after powering the mashine on). So I will bring it to the apple store in New Jersey soon. Did you know you can buy an Apple laptop anywhere in the world and get it repaired anywhere else? I bought it in Europe and can get it fixed here. Neato.

    Now I wonder if I should wait one or two weeks just in case they want to give me a new one :)

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 14, 03:29 PM
    Burn two DVD's at once and DVD copying.

    I have Mirror Door. How can I burn DVD (top) and CD (bottom) at once via Toast? I have tried and nothing worked, Toast only focus 1 thing at a time. Or am I wrong? :confused:

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Rychy
    Apr 10, 12:51 AM
    Can't wait to see how it works.

    Wow. You'd think a FCP Users group would be able to track down a halfway decent graphic artist to make a their banner graphic...

    lol. I was thinking the same thing.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 19, 04:19 PM
    Based on what, old gameplay footage?
    Do you consider official images and video from E3 of this year, a mere 2 months ago, to be "old" footage? If so, then yes, I'm basing it on old gameplay footage. Look at the model and texture in this pic, and tell me that isn't straight out of GT4, just higher res....

    {Click to huge-size}

    Look at this pic:
    That rx-7 looks tons better than anything GT4 ever had, but its still not as nice as the "premium" cars.
    The pic you provided, with the RX7, Supra, etc, as with all the images shown recently from GC10, is of Premium� cars. Can you see in the windows? If so, then it is a Premium� car with a fully modeled interior. If not, they are a Standard� car, and have the dark tinted windows.
    Time will tell, of course, but i'm certain they didnt just import models from GT4. What the hell would they have been doing for the past 5 years?
    Oh, I don't know, maybe it was the....

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • chrmjenkins
    Mar 22, 02:36 PM
    With regards to Libya without the no fly zone there would have been a massacre, and without bombing Gaddafi's troops there isn't much hope of anything other than a stalemate, which is also unideal.

    With the rebels on the ground it seems highly unlikely that we'll be in Libya for years to come or anything like that.

    The big difference between Libya and Iraq is that in Iraq there wasn't a large insurgence controlling a decent proportion of the country before the troops went in.

    Don't forget that we invaded one based on false intelligence. There's no denying what is happening in Libya. A dictator is slaughtering his own people. The fact that UN doesn't pass similar resolutions for all states with a current crisis of this magnitude falls on the UN, not the US.

    will smith house. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • jhedges3
    Aug 11, 03:24 PM
    First, what makes you think the cellusage is similar to internet????? Mind blowing step here.
    Secondly, Europa has 291 million internet users; North america US&Canada 227 milion; Rest of the world 500 million
    Hence europe would be close to 30% of the total market???? What about india??? Japan??? china??? come on you cant say jack *** from this statistics
    World demographics are not the point. US consumers do not make their cell phone purchasing decisions based on signal standards in 'Europa' or elsewhere.

    Nov 28, 09:37 PM
    When is there going to be a tell all book/movie about how the media giants are run like mafias?

    Oh yeah, there won't. Nobody wants to sleep with the fishes.

    So does this mean that 10 years from now your pianos will come with a $1.00 vend so that you can play a song that may have been produced by Universal, or maybe not produced by them.

    These people who don't actually create anything, never lifted a brush, never sang a song, never hammered a nail, have their pale thin hands out for everything and everyway their content can be played. They have their fingers into everything. Look at the way that strores have to pay them off just to play their music over their speakers. Isn't that good old fashion advertising, and the fees should be reversed?

    I'm really happy to say that I am not directly involved within such a corrupt industry.

    Jul 15, 04:26 PM
    The only reason I see Apple going all Woodcrest is to justify their high markups , while insulting you Mac Loyalist on price they also offer you less performance for your money.

    Look here at the current woody pricing at Newegg

    So apple is going to charge you guys $1799 for a Desktop with a 2.0ghz CPU , when everyone else will charge $1199 for a Conroe E6600 2.4ghz based desktop.

    This is not looking good apple.

    You can be quiet now. Go on Dell's medium/large business site, which is the *only* section you can find the Woodcrests in single/dual configs (HP doesn't have theirs out yet), and configure one with a decent video card, 250GB HD, no monitor, and any of the rumored processor configurations (which I think some are not correct), a DL DVD+/-RW burner, and optical mouse and you tell ME how much it costs.

    Aug 5, 06:14 PM
    Point is, without an IR sensor in the display, you wouldn't have the OPTION of hiding the computer away.
    Yes, but just my opinion, Apple needs to get over this 'Only new computers get FrontRow' crap and provide a USB repeater. Geez, people aren't buying new computers to get FrontRow, they're buying them to get Intel, so providing FrontRow to legacy systems isn't going to cripple sales! The only error in that opinion might be the mini, both the G4 and Intel minis are so crippled, neither makes any sense in a home theater setting but, providing a USB repeater for the G4 mini might effect a few Intel mini sales.

    Jul 27, 03:19 PM
    T minus 11 days...............

    Cant wait.

    i always wonder what does that T stand for??:confused:

    Mar 26, 07:10 AM
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?

    They added a $500 product that the vast majority of users will never use and don't even know is there. For some people, this will be a steal, but most users will get zero value out of the feature.


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