
black and white swirls

black and white swirls. Extra Large Black with White
  • Extra Large Black with White

  • lvlarkkoenen
    Apr 25, 02:35 AM
    Does "I have no desire for a smartphone" go under "already have other phone" or under "undecided/other"?

    black and white swirls. lack and white swirls
  • lack and white swirls

  • iGary
    Sep 24, 06:54 PM
    At this point I would tell him to just be safe and promise to use a condom.

    You may not be happy with it but in the end he is going to go through with it anyway. Just telling him to be safe is the best you can do at this point.

    If she was sleeping at your place I would to what my parents told us when I was living there. They said you can sleep together but please try not to have sex. Even though they both knew we were sexually active. We still did every once in a while but seldom and kept it very low key as to "not get caught".

    Later when I was older I asked them about it and told them we did (this is years later and my parents are really cool). They told me the figured we would anyway. They just said it so that we wouldn't make it obvious. I believe their words contained the phrase "ignorance is bliss".


    I was thirty and I bought over my now "husband" to my folks house and we slept in the same room. No sex, mind you, we were respectful of their home, but they did, of couse freak out after we left.


    black and white swirls. Elegant Black Pink And White
  • Elegant Black Pink And White

  • Designer Dale
    Aug 11, 12:39 AM
    These can be found but no replicas seem to be on the open market. The ones that showed up on a Google search were originals and priced $200 and up. Each.


    black and white swirls. Rolycreations Black and White
  • Rolycreations Black and White

  • quadroid
    Apr 26, 07:47 PM
    When menus closed, I have found everything I wanted, and he still continues searching at the background.
    Can I make Spotlight stopped searching after I will choose something from the results?


    black and white swirls. of a Black And White Swirl
  • of a Black And White Swirl

  • bradl
    Apr 13, 07:27 PM
    Oh silly gays when will you learn. ;)but yeah if a white person called me a n word i'd be mad so the same applies here. I'd be pissed if someone called me a bundle of stocks. :D

    If a white person called you the N word, you should be examining your tolerance in their ignorance as well as their ignorance. You shouldn't be so quick to react, because they are looking for that reaction out of you; that is why they call you it. It could be said that you are living up to the slur that you are being called.

    Disclaimer: I'm also Black. I don't let the word get to me because it empowers them if I show any reaction to it that doesn't benefit me.

    Back on topic though.. the F word.. what were to happen if you were overseas (the UK, for example), and someone uses the F word while drawing a puff from the Camel or Marlboro in their mouth. Would you be so quick to judge and react then?


    black and white swirls. Seamless lack and white swirl
  • Seamless lack and white swirl

  • steve2112
    Jan 18, 01:59 PM
    The whole notion that Europeans drive smaller cars because their streets are narrow is partially myth. Don't forget - Europe has modern cities with divided highways too, just like the US does. It is true that many cities and towns in Europe are more compact because of their age (Americans who live in certain parts of Boston or Philadelphia will be familiar with what 17th century streets look like). But the smaller size of cars in Europe is more closely related to the austerity of the post-WWII years setting a satandard of smaller cars, fuel prices being higher, and higher taxes for larger cars.

    Truthfully, this is probably the biggest reason. We Americans have been spoiled by decades of cheap gas and cheap cars.


    black and white swirls. A4 - Black amp; White Swirls
  • A4 - Black amp; White Swirls

  • iphonecrazyful
    Oct 9, 03:02 PM
    Its a little laggy but im liking it so far :)

    black and white swirls. Black Swirl Minaudiere Bag
  • Black Swirl Minaudiere Bag

  • AidenShaw
    May 4, 06:17 PM
    Why? Simply because it is more socially acceptable to be homophobic than it is to be racist.

    ... working towards a day when both are unacceptable.


    black and white swirls. ELEGANT BLACK AND WHITE SWIRLS

  • Snowy_River
    Oct 31, 11:46 AM
    Here is a re-write of the article for those wishing for more "clarity" :p :

    While pre-orders of Apple's Second Generation iPod Shuffle, which has a capacity of one Gigabyte (1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes) have recently begun to ship to customers (those who buy things), Apple has announced the general availability of the music player in Apple Retail Stores and Authorized Retailers worldwide this Friday.

    AppleInsider (another rumor site) has reported that while retailers (those who sell things) may get stock of the players prior to Friday, they will not be allowed to place them out for sale until Friday.

    Oh, surely we can do better than that...

    While pre-orders (requests for a product before the product is actually available) of Apple's (a computer company specializing in Macintosh brand computers) Second Generation iPod (a line of electronic portable music players sold by Apple) Shuffle (move things around so as to occupy different positions or to be in a different order)...

    Okay, okay, I'll stop... ;)

    black and white swirls. Black and White Vellum Swirl
  • Black and White Vellum Swirl

  • applerocks123
    Mar 13, 11:06 PM
    Hi guys,

    I need sone good ideas of what to put on the monitor outside of my room, its mounted and is connected to a mac mini with a camera.

    also if you guys knew some software please direct me to the download of where i could get it.


    black and white swirls. lack and white swirls
  • lack and white swirls

  • stl1pbr
    Aug 3, 04:01 PM
    A photo I took while on vacation in the Grand Tetons, WY.

    1920 x 1080

    black and white swirls. Black and white swirl wedding
  • Black and white swirl wedding

  • michaelsaxon
    Jan 9, 02:48 PM
    Well, then get one of the Apple nugs to demo the rest of the stuff that people are obviously interested in. If you aren't into the phone, there really wasn't much to see here.


    black and white swirls. a white swirl behind it,
  • a white swirl behind it,

  • xi mezmerize ix
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    I have ten that rotate every minute:

    black and white swirls. Black and White Swirl Polka
  • Black and White Swirl Polka

  • Horrortaxi
    Dec 29, 11:51 PM
    That's a nice switch story. It makes me nostalgic. :D


    black and white swirls. lack and white swirls
  • lack and white swirls

  • Vegasman
    Apr 4, 02:05 PM
    Apple does allow opt-in, just not opt-out. So the problem lies with the FT.

    Not really.

    The terms with FT are that if you want to use their service you must provide them with the information. Then you can choose what you allow them to do with this information.

    If Apple does not want to allow FT to work that way they are effectively saying they don't want to do business with FT. And this is why FT is "holding out."

    Apple doesn't like the T&C's of FT.
    FT does not like the T&C's of Apple.

    So they are choosing not to do business with each other. Happens all the time.

    Apple users are the only ones that lose here.

    black and white swirls. Of Black And White Swirls,
  • Of Black And White Swirls,

  • saving107
    Apr 6, 11:51 AM
    12 Petabytes, is that all (Lame).

    *Sarcastic Post


    black and white swirls. Black amp; White Swirl Boots
  • Black amp; White Swirl Boots

  • Gen3tix
    Oct 19, 12:22 AM
    Anyone going to the Apple Store in Freehold Raceway Mall?

    I should be able to get there around 3-4 if I choose to go to Freehold over Menlo Park, since both are only 20 minutes from me.

    black and white swirls. Black and White Swirl Pattern
  • Black and White Swirl Pattern

  • aiz
    Feb 11, 03:00 PM
    anyone know where i can get this wallpaper?

    black and white swirls. Black and White Swirl UGA
  • Black and White Swirl UGA

  • Beej
    Aug 15, 03:10 AM
    *Beej dances a happy dance*


    Mar 23, 09:54 AM
    Looks like the admission photo for a gay club... :p

    Apr 28, 07:41 AM
    Other indications that this is PR spin/backpeddling:

    1. They picked a size of 2mb for the db "turns out it was fairly large."

    If they are ENGINEERS as Jobs says - they know how big 2MB is. They also know how much ascii data they can store in 2MB. Which is HUGE. GINORMOUS for straight text.

    2. Deflected the very fact that this DB is stored on the computer. A bit of spin to imply that the only way to access it is by "jailbreaking"....
    "We had that protected on the system. It had root protection and was sandboxed from any other application. But if someone hacks their phone and jailbreaks it, they can get to this and misunderstand the point of that."
    "One thing I think we have learned is that the cache we had on the system�the point of that cache, is we do all the location calculations on the phone itself so no location calculations are done separately. You can imagine in an ideal world the entire crowdsourced database is on the phone and it just never has to talk to a server to do these calculations (or) to even get the cache.

    What we do is we cache a subset of that. We picked a size, around 2MB, which is less than half a song. It turns out it was fairly large and could hold items for a long time.

    We had that protected on the system. It had root protection and was sandboxed from any other application. But if someone hacks their phone and jailbreaks it, they can get to this and misunderstand the point of that.

    Nov 4, 09:02 AM
    Since I just got my new PMG5 yesterday, what is a good program (free or otherwise) for making backups of DVD's (legally of course)? I have quite a collection and ones that I use a lot I want to make an extra copy of. I am looking for a program that will allow me to make an exact copy of the DVD, as if I were playing my original copy.

    Side Note: Since my new PM has a 8x Superdrive, do I NEED to use the 8x Apple DVD-R's, or can I use a different brand (or speed)? I remember back when I used to use faster CDR's they didn't always work this still true? Thanks!

    You can use any brand media as long as it's a DVD-R. Some generic media doesn't work but as long as you stick to name brand you should be fine.

    As for exact duplicates it's most likely not going to happen. Most DVDs are dual layer or dual sided meaning they hold 9.4GB instead of just 4.7GB like the average DVD-R. If you wanted to make exact duplicates you would need to get one of the new dual layer burners otherwise you need a program that will split the data into two chunks small enough to each fit on a DVD-R. For normal use most people will not notice the loss of detail when compressing to fit on one DVD-R. I use Handbrake to do this myself.

    Sep 27, 08:28 AM
    I had .mac two years ago but didn't renew it. I use for email and have a reseller web hosting account with gigabytes of space, and pay less than $99/year for both. Here's the things that would make me consider paying for .mac:

    Tommy Wasabi
    Oct 1, 01:48 PM
    God I hate Notes- it's an operating system on top of an operating system. It's databases are just a step up from Access and to be honest - it's a pig.

    I've been forced to use the piece a crap for over 5 years (I'm a consultant) and it had brought me great pleasure to help large scale enterprises move away from this overstuffed piece of crap.

    Is Exchange any better - yes and no - in general they both are crappy. The biggest advantage of Notes is that their CALs (licenses) are so cheep compared to Exchange/Outlook.

    When I start looking for a new job - the first question I'll ask is which Universal Messaging Platform have you deployed in your Enterprise? If they answer "Notes" I'll know the following about their organziation:

    1. They care more about the dollar than about usability and employee satisfaction
    2. The VP of IT is probably sleeping with the IBM rep
    3. The business only uses it because they don't know any better (they've been there too long and have never used anything other than Notes and AOL).
    4. They think that Notes databases are cool and hip and truly believe Access is an enterprise level database
    5. And finally, they are so damn stupid they probably have Lotus 123 and Word Perfect as their "Office Suite"

    "Save me lord from these fools"


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