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selena gomez bikini justin. 6 of 99. Justin
  • 6 of 99. Justin

  • Kiwi Jones
    Jul 21, 12:06 PM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."

    I'm getting so tired of hearing all this whining and complaining. First off, don't complain about the iPhone 4 unless YOU ACTUALLY HAVE AN iPHONE 4! Secondly, don't complain cuz you can make your bars disappear on your iPhone 4 unless you've EXPERIENCED PROBLEMS DURING NORMAL USE. Yes i can make my phone drop bars. Yes Apple screwed up some with the design or at least by giving everyone an "X" marks the spot. And in regards to your icecream cone metaphor, the iP4 is not even close to actually being dysfunctional because of this antenna issue. It would be more like Apple selling revolutionary icecream cones that LEAKED a bit out of the bottom when you held it a certain way. And to remedy it, Apple gave out PAPER ICECREAM CONE SLEEVES (the kind you get from icecream places already.... but SOME people prefer to take it out of the sleeve while others are fine with it). And you people still manage to complain. Either put a case/bumper on it if you actually do experience problems, or return the phone and ****.

    I hereby solemnly swear to avoid opening the comments section on any future iPhone 4 Antenna Issue related articles.

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • kingtj
    Oct 17, 10:05 AM
    Never underestimate the storage capacities people will require! It wasn't THAT long ago I remember having a 10 *megabyte* hard disk drive on my old TRS-80 computer and thinking "This thing is HUGE! I can store every program I own on here AND all my data!" And we all know the ever popular "640K should be enough for anyone!" quote regarding RAM memory.

    But if you're talking about simply the "here and now", yeah - the typical user won't have a good reason to store 30-50GB on a single piece of media. On the other hand, someone who works with video a lot easily might. (Think of the idea of making a single disc that contains a full collection of HD video clips you made and edited so you could copy/paste them into future projects, at will.) Sort of like those "50,000 clip art images collection!" CDs people buy, except your own, personal HD video version.

    I'd also imagine this would be nice for corporate backups. People currently shell out around $90-100 each for DLT or LTO type backup tapes that hold maybe 40GB or so of compressed data. They could substitute one with HD-DVD or Blueray media and have more reliable backups with easier, quicker retreival too.

    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 03:00 AM
    Zealund?? :confused:


    Damn! I thought I was quick enough.

    I originally had "Noo Zulund" but edited it back, missed the second u, changed it again - not quick enough.

    Mind you, your quote of me wasn't quite quick enough, it's spelt correctly there.

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini with
  • selena gomez bikini with

  • Matthew Yohe
    Mar 28, 10:22 PM
    I think we are headed towards a "locked down" OS X, FWIW.

    Uh, no.


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini and justin
  • selena gomez bikini and justin

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 09:32 AM
    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    Where can I find the definition of a smart phone?

    selena gomez bikini justin. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • TZRaceR6
    Aug 10, 01:17 PM
    Any one that proposes using diesel or gas because of the impact it "might" have on our national grid (which by the way depends on where you live, i.e. Nuclear power plants for California, renewable hydro-electric for Las Vegas, etc...) pales in comparison to incidents like... oh say... the GULF OIL SPILL!!! What did that cost so far? Tens of billions. Not to mention the amount of lives it has ruined! Wonder how many electric cars could have been made and powered over the course of a year on that bill?

    Internal combustion engines should have died off over 50 years ago.


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • PygmySurfer
    Oct 28, 05:23 PM
    yeah, but Logic Pro requires a dongle.

    The TPM on Intel-based Macs could essentially be used as a dongle.

    What's worse, the TPM would make something like Microsoft's product activation trivially simple.

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • suneohair
    Mar 28, 02:03 PM

    Can you give me some details about the games? Maybe one title name and the number stolen.


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • milo
    Sep 12, 07:29 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.

    WRONG. The video (TV) store only had ABC when it first started, and it still sold a million videos in 20 days or so. Look at it now. And even the music store didn't have everything right away.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's just disney, or not much more. Virtually ALL the rumor sites are reporting this, ThinkSecret is just repeating what they hear elsewhere.

    Maybe, but to impact the market, you need a critical mass. Didn't iTMS have 200,000-300,000 songs when it opened?

    Who else is? Anyway, my point was more that if Disney is all the iTunes Movie Store has to offer, it will look like a huge marketing failure, and the media will feed on it... If it's true, expect predictions of Apple's pending demise on Wednesday...

    See above. The TV store only started with ABC, and it's considered a big success. It's simple, if the Disney movies sell like hotcakes, the other studios will all jump on the bandwagon. Just like TV.

    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?

    I think it's too late, it would be really stupid to throw away such strong branding.

    New Nanos with SAME capacity?? - No, thanks...

    What makes you think that? The rumors say no new features, but it would be pretty unthinkable not to bump capacity after so long.

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini kissing
  • selena gomez bikini kissing

  • interlaced
    Nov 24, 11:31 PM
    some kid in front of me in line brought in his old ipod for the ipod exchange program and got an additional discount on today's price. the 30gb ipod he got ended up being a little over $200. :rolleyes:


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini with
  • selena gomez bikini with

  • Queso
    Oct 19, 11:30 AM
    Two can play at that game. I still have the 400 shares I bought in 1997.

    Do the math. :)
    400 pre-splits shares?

    My God, man. That's some profit!! :cool:

    selena gomez bikini justin. Tags: 2011 ikini selena gomez
  • Tags: 2011 ikini selena gomez

  • kayno
    Apr 16, 01:02 PM

    Agree its a fake.. but its also my prediction of what the new phone would look like.. however its missing the black plastic peice as seen in the 3G iPad..


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • jav6454
    Dec 10, 02:45 PM
    ...running at 3.7 ghz, the temps are in the low 80's C. not good. we'll see how it goes

    Yeah, that is not good. Thermal paste perhaps?

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • Ping Guo
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    If that is a guy holding that phone he needs to cut those nails...Damn hippy!

    Ah but that's the old Chinese snot-digging nail.


    selena gomez bikini justin. Bikini-Clad Selena Gomez And
  • Bikini-Clad Selena Gomez And

  • r.j.s
    Jan 13, 04:17 PM
    What I'm wondering is.. if Gizmodo never posted that video, would we have heard about it anyway? As in, would there be news stories saying "Pranksters hit CES hard by turning off displays"

    My guess is we wouldn't have heard anything of the sort.

    Chances are, the presenters all thought they had come kind of HW failure/ power failure up until the point Gizmodo posted their footage.

    selena gomez bikini justin. Selena+gomez+ikini+justin
  • Selena+gomez+ikini+justin

  • archipellago
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM
    Desperate is as desperate does...


    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 11:07 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    I was thinking the same thing. What is the purpose and reasoning behind it? Maybe a little more insight.

    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.

    I can see this going down in flames also especially in some of the other sections of the forums. IE PRSI and any thread LTD responds in! :)

    selena gomez bikini justin. Demi lovato аnԁ selena gomez;
  • Demi lovato аnԁ selena gomez;

  • MikeDTyke
    Jan 9, 04:00 PM
    I'm really tee'd off now.

    Have avoided all websites except this forum thread for the last 3 hours and haven't gone near my email neither, then some b'stard comes in and drops a fat giveaway URL without even obfuscating it and telling us its a spoiler.

    I even managed to look at google finance to check the aapl share price without seeing any giveaway news articles.

    I'm not going to look at any specs and hope there's another small surprise or two in the keynote.

    Git's each and everyone who's posted the leak or commented on it thinking well someone else has already let the cat out of the bag.

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    selena gomez bikini justin. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • tigress666
    Apr 16, 10:30 AM
    No, when Apple revealed the iPhone most people were thinking something along the line of "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. The iPhone 3G was the real deal, ofcourse the first gen was successful, simply because it was Apple, but the 3G was when it turned into a good product and soared in popularity.
    And iPhone is far from the first icon based phone and I personally believe the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 was a big inspiration for iPhone.

    I have to agree.

    The biggest reason the iphone is so great to me is the fact that I could add in other programs and add functionality. I could personalize it with the programs I put on to do what I wanted to do. In fact that was something I snubbed about the iphone when it came out (in comparison to the ipaq I had that I could get other programs for it). And the one snub I don't think I was wrong about (I snubbed it for other reasons but after having one decided either it was a good idea or it wasn't something that really mattered).

    If I had to only use the apps Apple gave me... I'm sorry, it wouldn't be that great of a phone. In fact I'm still wondering why anyone would buy the first one that you were stuck only with the basic stuff Apple put on, I really don't know how they convinced people to get interested in the idea. The thing that makes the iphone so great to me is it's ability to be so multi-functional in the ways *I* want it to be. Which is what being able to buy different programs gives it.

    I heard somewhere that Apple was forced to let people buy other software (or something like that)? If true, Apple should be thanking that ruling.

    Sep 12, 08:26 AM
    Is there going ot be an IRC feed like WWDC? If so what is the channel/port? Sorry to ask here, but I couldn't find the info on the main page...

    Have a look here (

    Sep 12, 02:53 AM
    Sydney 3am Sept 13.

    Dec 13, 08:49 PM
    Also, I don't imagine that AT&T & Apple signed a contract that had exclusivity expiring on December 26, 2010. It would make far more sense for a contract to be written that extends through the end of though some have even speculated it extends through 2012 (heaven help us and Apple if that's the case).

    Summertime seems more likely.

    We know that the original contract was signed in the Summer of 2006. (Five years from then would be Summer 2011.)

    We know that an amended contract came almost exactly one year later (ATT said so), which dropped royalty payments and allowed subsidies.

    Rumors say that a two year extension came in 2008.

    Patent dispute documents brought up that there had been a five year contract at one time, but didn't mention whether it was still in force.

    Jul 27, 02:11 PM
    The Nissan Leaf list for about $25k to $26k and is an ALL electric vehicle. GM better get their head out of the sand.

    That's after the tax credit. The MSRP is $32,780.

    Apr 25, 02:23 PM
    Resizing only means having to rewrite apps if the screen resolution changes -- especially if it changes by something other than a whole-number multiple (e.g. 1.5x versus 2x). All rumors indicate a 3.7-inch screen iPhone would have the same Retina-Display resolution (still maintaining over 300dpi).

    Technically their "Retina-Display" stuff is based also on typical viewing distance as well -- so a "Retina Display" iPad, iMac, or MacBook (assuming those are in the works) may not go as high as 300dpi. However, a Retina-Display iPad would like require the same pixel-doubling (2x) that was done for apps not optimized for the Retina Display until updates came that included higher-resolution graphics.

    Yeah, making developers have to re-develop all of their apps would be a knife to the heart. When Apple decided on the screen size, it was pretty much set in stone. This would be a terrible move and anger many developers, especially independents who don't have the time, resources, or budget to re-develop. I could have blown my life savings developing one app, and now to find out that it isn't compatible with the newest iphone anymore? /die


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